Striebel Textil

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360° Video


Striebel Textil GmbH
In der Au 19
88515 Langenenslingen


Head office 0049-(0)7376-96211-0   

Secondhand-Shop 0049-(0)7376-96211-26

🖷 0049-(0)7376-96211-9

Other contacts

How to find us


360° Video

In the midst of it! Take a look inside our sorting operations. We encourage people to take a look behind the scenes - we like it when people look over our shoulders.

Note: in order to watch the video on a mobile device (e.g. iPhone or iPad) please click on the following link in your Youtube App:

We are outstanding


IHK We provide job trainingDEKRA certified as a certified recycling company as per   § 56 KrWGMember of the textile-recycling trade association
© Striebel Textil GmbH